Monday, April 19, 2021

Visit Lavender Farm - April 10, 2021

We want to see at least one garden in Maui.  After checking with concierge, we decided to visit Lavender Farm.  After arrival we realized the lavenders were not yet blooming, but they have plenty of other beautiful flowers on site.  From the farm, the views of Maui's Central Valley are spectacular.  We took many pictures. We also visited the gift shop and purchased Organic Kula Calm Tea, jams, dried lavender sachets, etc. Helen ordered lavender tea and scone. Fei had lavender flavored coffee. They all tasted wonderful.

We went back to the resort and had late lunch at poolside Ferraro's Bar (Italian restaurant).

Since we were headed to Honolulu the next day, Alice did the check-in at Southwest and printed boarding passes for all of us.

We went back to our rooms and started packing.

Later, we changed to swimsuits and relaxed in the jacuzzi.  Then, we watched sunset again. What a beautiful sight!

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